Belgrade’s Trajkovic Collection returns for Part III of it’s exploration “Phenomena, Formations And Ideologies Of Serbian Art In The Second Half Of The 20th Century”.
Part III is titled “Change of Epochal Cultural and Artistic Paradigm: Postmodernism – Art Of the Eighties in Serbia”, following is the accompanying text, written by Ješa Denegri:
Belgrade’s Trajkovic Collection returns for Part III of it’s exploration “Phenomena, Formations And Ideologies Of Serbian Art In The Second Half Of The 20th Century”. Part III is titled “Change of Epochal Cultural and Artistic Paradigm: Postmodernism – Art Of the Eighties in Serbia”, following is the accompanying text, written by Ješa Denegri:
BORA ILJOVSKI, Personal escort, 1981. Courtesy Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade
(on wall) Bora Iljovski, ’Personal Escort’, 1981; (on table) Dušan Otašević, ’Drink’, 1967; (on wall, top) Tomislav Kauzlarić, ’Research with a newspaper’, 1979; (on wall, bottom) Kosta Bogdanović, ’Relief from the cycle Vizanteme’, 1989. Courtesy Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade
(l–r) Miodrag B. Protić, ’Constellation’, 1976; Branko Filipović-Filo, ’, Painting 48’, 1986; Dušan Otašević, ’Yes sir’, 1966; Petar Omčikus, ’In a Barber Shop’, 1965; ’In a Barber Shop’, 1977. Courtesy Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade
BRANKO FILIPOVIĆ-FILO, Painting 48, 1986. Courtesy Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade
DUŠAN OTAŠEVIĆ, From the cycle Tronoša erminia, 1987. Courtesy Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade