Independent Collectors
Rossini Art Site — Sculpture Park
Art park that fuses sculpture, architecture, and landscape

Rossini Art Site is a 10-hectare sculpture park nestled on top of Brianza hills in the green heart of the Lambro Valley. Thanks to its suggestive position it offers the most incredible and mutable views of the surrounding nature and the Alps.
The surroundings make it an ideal place chosen by the entrepreneur and patron Mr. Alberto Rossini to house his art collection in the late twentieth century, where works by internationally renowned artists, such as Pietro Consagra, Bruno Munari, Giò Pomodoro, Fausto Melotti, Andrea Cascella and Grazia Varisco, only to name a few, stand out.
The Rossini Art Site resonates in many ways with its founder’s desire to create a flexible, friendly and enjoyable place where a wide and heterogeneous audience can make an unconventional experience of contemporary art, without renouncing to the fun of a day outdoors, surrounded by nature in a lovely and peaceful place with its flora and fauna. The vegetation is strictly native – oak, hazel and hornbeam. Both the view of farm fields, and the animals reared in a specific area of the park, bring to mind the most authentic essence of the Brianza area.
This is the site chosen by Alberto Rossini to place his prestigious collection of sculptures, in continuity with his countless passions, without building a rigid or elitist barrier, but by means of a common language in the spirit of beauty.
The heart of the place is certainly the entrance pavilion for the park designed by studio SITE and the New York architect James Wines, an exponent of the Green Architecture and a master of environmental design and master of organic architecture, who gave rise to a project in Briosco able to communicate perfectly with the surrounding area, by integrating art, environment and architecture together into a single concept. Today the park keeps its dynamic and changing role, wants to introduce some new stimuli through the acquisition of works of art and the collaboration with internationally acclaimed artists.
The Rossini Art Site is featured in the BMW ART GUIDE by INDEPENDENT COLLECTORS.
For more information visit Rossini Art Site.

All images courtesy of Rossini Art Site.