Independent Collectors
Niloufar Bakhtiar Bakhtiari
In collaboration with Marina Ribera Iñigo, director and consultant at IñigoArt, we present the new video series "Collectors at Home".

In collaboration with Marina Ribera Iñigo, director and consultant at IñigoArt, we present the new video series “Collectors at Home” where the London-based art advisor speaks to collectors in their residential setting. “Collectors at Home” is an intimate view into private art collections through the eyes of the personal force behind them, revealing their passions and motivations for collecting and living with art.
For our first instalment, IñigoArt meets with London-based interior designer Niloufar Bakhtiar Bakhtiari at her Chelsea home, where she has just received a new addition to her collection.
I know that I am an art collector because I buy things I shouldn’t be buying because I can’t afford them.