Independent Collectors
Collezione De Iorio
Beauty & infirmity – Radiologist Mauro De Iorio has a unique understanding of the human body

In many ways the Collezione De Iorio, like the ancient Roman god Janus, is two-faced: one face contemplates the past, the other sees the future, and the neck clings to its base.
As a radiologist, Mauro De Iorio has a unique view and understanding of the human body. In his profession, beauty and infirmity are closely interconnected. No wonder that both aspects are centrally featured in his collection – Collezione De Iorio.
De Iorio acquired his first work of art, Giulio Paolini’s Orfeo from 1976, in 2002. Numerous other pieces followed. In scouting for new works, he doesn’t pay much heed to the art market or critical reviews. For him, collecting ultimately comes down to whether a work is capable of moving him emotionally or whether it has a symbolic dimension. Examples here include Ettore Spalletti’s monochromatic light-blue canvases, with colors you can lose yourself in, or Andra Ursuta’s Broken Obelisk, a deeply melancholic object that sits in a blue chair. The works can be seen in three different locations in Trento: in an apartment in a centrally located historic building, a modestly maintained showroom, and at De Iorio’s medical center.
– text by Sandra Danicke
Collezione De Iorio is featured in the BMW ART GUIDE by INDEPENDENT COLLECTORS.
For more information on Collezione De Iorio, visit this post by Independent Collectors.

All images courtesy of Collezione De Iorio.