Independent Collectors

The Videoinsight® Method Part II

The collection that selects contemporary art containing high psychological impact.

AGNIESZKA POLSKA, I Am The Mouth, 2016
AGNIESZKA POLSKA, I Am The Mouth, 2016

Over the past decade, Russo has been showing the art – mostly video works – to her patients, using it as a kind of Rorschach test for self-reflection, and since 2012 the Videoinsight® Method has been used in medical research at university hospitals around the world. At the heart of it all, the Foundation’s mission is to carry on the experience of psycho-physic wellness through contemporary art, whilst remaining a private, non-profit organization.

Russo’s aim for the Videoinsight® Foundation is to promote contemporary art in the same realm. Application of the Videoinsight® Method lies within medicine, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation, with the wish to create Videoinsight® Rooms in social organizations for promotion and protection of health and wellness.

In collaboration with Rebecca Russo and the Videoinsight® Method, we present a second online exhibition that showcases works from the private collection.

Portrait of Rebecca Russo. Cover by Roberto Sartorelli. Courtesy Videoinsight® Foundation. Photo: Photo by Orazio Garofalo
Portrait of Rebecca Russo. Cover by Roberto Sartorelli. Courtesy Videoinsight® Foundation. Photo: Photo by Orazio Garofalo
HE WEI, Hijack Soul, 2013
HE WEI, Hijack Soul, 2013
Lisa Lyon (front view), 1983
Lisa Lyon (front view), 1983
WILLIAM KENTRIDGE, Head (Woman with turned cheek), 2016
WILLIAM KENTRIDGE, Head (Woman with turned cheek), 2016
CLEMENS VON WEDEMEYER, The Beginning, Living Figures Dying, 2013
CLEMENS VON WEDEMEYER, The Beginning, Living Figures Dying, 2013
HE SEN, Is it interesting?, 2009
HE SEN, Is it interesting?, 2009
ZHANG HUI, Beijing Wawa (Singer) 2007/2008
ZHANG HUI, Beijing Wawa (Singer) 2007/2008
GREGORY CREWDSON, Beneath the Roses, 2003
GREGORY CREWDSON, Beneath the Roses, 2003
EWA JUSZKIEWICZ, Untitled (after Elisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun), 2015 RONALD C. VENTURA, Untitled, 2016
EWA JUSZKIEWICZ, Untitled (after Elisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun), 2015 RONALD C. VENTURA, Untitled, 2016
JONNY BRIGGS, Super Natural, 2012
JONNY BRIGGS, Super Natural, 2012
RONALD C. VENTURA, Untitled, 2016
RONALD C. VENTURA, Untitled, 2016
MARINELLA SENATORE, Speak Easy – Director’s Cut (Film Still), 2009
MARINELLA SENATORE, Speak Easy – Director’s Cut (Film Still), 2009
LARISSA SANSOUR, A Space Exodus, 2009
LARISSA SANSOUR, A Space Exodus, 2009

The Videoinsight® Foundation is included in the Art Guide