Independent Collectors

‘La Pelle’ and ‘Luogo e Segni’ – Pinault Collection

Venice’s Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana see the exhibitions ‘La Pelle’ and ‘Luogo e Segni’ for 2019.

LUC TUYMANS, Schwarzheide, 2019, Fantini Mosaici, Milano. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, Schwarzheide, 2019, Fantini Mosaici, Milano. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.

“My sincere wish is that the contemporary art center, consisting of Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana, shall remain truly contemporary. This impetus is a matter of great importance for me but also for Venice, a city, which has always inspired the best of creativity.” – François Pinault

Inaugurated in 2006 and 2009, respectively the Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana were renovated by Japanese architect Tadao Ando, and stand to present both personal and collective exhibitions surrounding Pinault’s extraordinary collection. The locations aim to share with the public the knowledge and love for contemporary art through the Pinault Collection and to strengthen the privileged relationship the institution has developed with artists, especially thanks to works specifically conceived for its exhibition spaces.

As part of the cycle of monographic shows dedicated to major contemporary artists, launched in 2012 and alternating with thematic exhibitions of the Pinault Collection, Palazzo Grassi presents Luc Tuymans’ first personal exhibition in Italy. Curated by Caroline Bourgeois in collaboration with the artist (Mortsel, Belgium, 1958), the show is titled La Pelle, after Italian writer, Curzio Malaparte’s 1949 novel. It includes over 80 works from the Pinault Collection, international museums and private collections, and focuses on the artist’s paintings from 1986 to today.

On view at the Punta della Dogana is the exhibition Luogo e Segni, curated by Martin Bethenod, Director of Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana, and Mouna Mekouar, independent curator. Luogo e Segni takes its title from a painting by Carol Rama included in the exhibition. The show brings together over 100 works, by 36 artists who establish a particular relationship with their urban, social, political, historical, intellectual setting. Of those, 17 of the artists appear for the first time in a Pinault Collection exhibition in Venice including, among others; Berenice Abbott, Liz Deschenes, Trisha Donnelly and R. H. Quaytman. Further, among those, 3 have taken part in the artist residency programme promoted by the Pinault Collection in Lens: Lucas Arruda, Hicham Berrada and Edith Dekyndt. Their works are set up in relation with a selection of pieces that have marked the history of exhibitions at Punta della Dogana since its opening in 2009.

In this Online Exhibition, we present installation images from the exhibitions surrounding the Pinault Collection in Venice.

La Pelle, Palazzo Grassi, 24.03.19 – 06.01.20

Curated By Caroline Bourgeois and Luc Tuymans

LUC TUYMANS, The Arena I, II, III, 2014, Private collection, Singapore. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, The Arena I, II, III, 2014, Private collection, Singapore. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, Mountains, 2016, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, Mountains, 2016, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l-r) LUC TUYMANS, Mountains, 2016, Pinault Collection; Body, 1990, Collection S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti
(l-r) LUC TUYMANS, Mountains, 2016, Pinault Collection; Body, 1990, Collection S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti
(l - r) LUC TUYMANS, Niger, 2017, Private collection, courtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp; Twenty Seventeen, 2017, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l - r) LUC TUYMANS, Niger, 2017, Private collection, courtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp; Twenty Seventeen, 2017, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l- r) LUC TUYMANS, Twenty Seventeen, 2017, Pinault Collection, The Shore, 2014, Tate; Sundown, 2009, Private collection, Courtesy David Zwirner, New York/London. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l- r) LUC TUYMANS, Twenty Seventeen, 2017, Pinault Collection, The Shore, 2014, Tate; Sundown, 2009, Private collection, Courtesy David Zwirner, New York/London. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l-r) LUC TUYMANS, Still Life, 2002, Pinault Collection; William Robertson, 2014, The Broad Art Foundation. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l-r) LUC TUYMANS, Still Life, 2002, Pinault Collection; William Robertson, 2014, The Broad Art Foundation. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, Simulation, 2007, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LUC TUYMANS, Simulation, 2007, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Palazzo Grassi, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.

Luogo e Segni, Punta della Dogana, 24.03.19 – 15.12.19

Curated by Mouna Mekouar and Martin Bethenod

(l -r) RONI HORN, White Dickinson THE CAREER OF FLOWERS DIFFERS FROM OURS ONLY IN INAUDIBLENESS, 2006, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth; FELIX GONZALEZ- TORRES, Untitled (Blood), 1992, Pinault Collection, courtesy the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Untitled (7 Days of Bloodworks), 1991, Pinault Collection, courtesy the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l -r) RONI HORN, White Dickinson THE CAREER OF FLOWERS DIFFERS FROM OURS ONLY IN INAUDIBLENESS, 2006, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth; FELIX GONZALEZ- TORRES, Untitled (Blood), 1992, Pinault Collection, courtesy the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Untitled (7 Days of Bloodworks), 1991, Pinault Collection, courtesy the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
RUDOLF STINGEL, Untitled, 1990, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
RUDOLF STINGEL, Untitled, 1990, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l - r) CERITH WYN EVANS, We are in Yucatan and every unpredicted thing, 2012-2014, Pinault Collection; RUDOLF STINGEL, Untitled, 1990, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l - r) CERITH WYN EVANS, We are in Yucatan and every unpredicted thing, 2012-2014, Pinault Collection; RUDOLF STINGEL, Untitled, 1990, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
CERITH WYN EVANS, We Are In Yucatan And Every Unpredicted Thing, 2012-2014, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
CERITH WYN EVANS, We Are In Yucatan And Every Unpredicted Thing, 2012-2014, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
ELAINE STURTEVANT, Felix Gonzalez-Torres AMERICA AMERICA, 2004, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
ELAINE STURTEVANT, Felix Gonzalez-Torres AMERICA AMERICA, 2004, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
R. H. QUAYTMAN, Spine, Chapter 20, 2010, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
R. H. QUAYTMAN, Spine, Chapter 20, 2010, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
RONI HORN, Well and Truly, 2009-2010, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
RONI HORN, Well and Truly, 2009-2010, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l -r) R. H. QUAYTMAN, An Evening, Chapter 32, 2017, Pinault Collection; חקק, Chapter 29, 2015, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
(l -r) R. H. QUAYTMAN, An Evening, Chapter 32, 2017, Pinault Collection; חקק, Chapter 29, 2015, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LIZ DESCHENES, FPS(60), 2018, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
LIZ DESCHENES, FPS(60), 2018, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
CAROL RAMA, Luogo e segni, 1975, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
CAROL RAMA, Luogo e segni, 1975, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
TATIANA TROUVÉ, The Guardian, 2018, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.
TATIANA TROUVÉ, The Guardian, 2018, Pinault Collection. Installation View at Punta della Dogana, 2019 © Palazzo Grassi. Photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani & Marco Cappelletti.

The François Pinault Foundation is featured in the BMW ART GUIDE by INDEPENDENT COLLECTORS.