Independent Collectors
Bewogen Beweging
Exhibition at the Verbeke Foundation.

“Dynamic, not static” is the motto of the Belgian collector couple Geert and Carla Verbeke-Lens, and their new exhibition, “Bewogen Beweging: Kinetic Sculptures” at the Verbeke Foundation couldn’t be more fitting.
The show at the Verbeke Foundation reveals a variety of works by Zoro Feigl and Theo Jansen who both use everyday materials to create intricate moving machines, thereby blurring the lines between art and engineering. In addition, “Bewogen Beweging: Kinetic Sculptures” hosts the first retrospective of Belgian surrealist Roger Van de Wouwer.
Located on a twelve-hectare art park on Geert Verbeke’s company property, the collection, in Kemzeke, Belgium, host two large scale exhibitions every year, filling the old storage buildings and greenhouses which offer more than 20 000 square meters.

Verbeke Foundation is featured in the BMW ART GUIDE by INDEPENDENT COLLECTORS.
For more information visit the Verbeke Foundation.