A variety of artworks by both established and emerging artists.
MOMOYO TORIMITSU, Somehow I Don’t Feel Comfortable, 2000. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
The collection, which is free and open to the public, includes a variety of artworks by both established and emerging artists, ranging from installations, sculpture, photographs, videos, drawings, to paintings.
The growing selection of artists represented in the Dikeou Collection also participate in zingmagazine — a companion project published by Devon Dikeou. Both the collection and zingmagazine strive to create an atmosphere that engenders, creates, and supports the most challenging representation of both the esoteric and the literal representation of all kinds of artists’ ideas. Devon Dikeou is the editor and publisher of the annual publication, which presents projects from a myriad of different subjects. She is also a practicing artist.
This exhibition, the third in a series of four parts in which Pany and Devon Dikeou share works from their collection on IC, displays the result from many years of passionate collecting and careful selection, creating a diverse and subtly comedic collection. Featuring works by Misaki Kawai, Paul Ramírez Jonas, Rainer Ganahl and Momoyo Torimitsu among others.
MISAKI KAWAI, Mars Investigation Laboratory, 2006. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MISAKI KAWAI, Mars Investigation Laboratory, 2006. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MISAKI KAWAI, Mars Investigation Laboratory, 2006. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MISAKI KAWAI, Untitled (Large Plane) 2002. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MISAKI KAWAI, Untitled (Large Plane) 2002. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
PAUL RAMÍREZ JONAS, His Truth Is Marching On & 100, 1993, 1995
PAUL RAMÍREZ JONAS, His Truth Is Marching On & 100, 1993, 1995
PAUL RAMÍREZ JONAS, 100 (Detail), 1995. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
PAUL RAMÍREZ JONAS, 100 (Detail), 1995. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
PAUL RAMÍREZ JONAS, Pause and Play, 2000. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Hermès Marx, Soie mexique / Mexican Silk, 2013. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Hermès Marx, Suerte Celerite, Poete Aux Lettres 1956/2013. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Hermès Marx, Napoleon 1950/2013. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Hermès Marx, Ludovicus Magnus 1963/2013. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MOMOYO TORIMITSU, Miyata Jiro, 1994. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
MOMOYO TORIMITSU, Business in New York, 1994. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Feminist Cultural Studies”,Columbia University, New York, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Feminist Cultural Studies”,Columbia University, New York, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Coco Fusco, Hustling for Dollars: Sex Work & Tourism in Cuba, A Lecture / Performance” New York University, New York, 10/17/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Coco Fusco, Hustling for Dollars: Sex Work & Tourism in Cuba, A Lecture / Performance” New York University, New York, 10/17/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Feminist Cultural Studies”,Columbia University, New York, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Feminist Cultural Studies”,Columbia University, New York, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Homi Bahba, Who’s Modernity is it Anyway?" Museum of Modern Art, New York, 11/18/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Homi Bahba, Who’s Modernity is it Anyway?” Museum of Modern Art, New York, 11/18/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Jacques Derrida, L’institution philosophique devant la loi” Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Jenny Holzer, Vortrag Jenny Holzer” Kartause Ittingen, Ittingen, 3/13/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Jacques Derrida, L’institution philosophique devant la loi” Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1/13/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Jenny Holzer, Vortrag Jenny Holzer” Kartause Ittingen, Ittingen, 3/13/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Julia Kristeva, Translating Feelings or Writing and Singularity” Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, 11/15/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Born 1961, Austria S/L: “Linda Nochlin, Glory and Misery of Pornography, Colloquium “femininmasculin”, les revues parlées” Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2/2/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, Born 1961, Austria S/L: “Linda Nochlin, Glory and Misery of Pornography, Colloquium femininmasculin”, les revues parlées” Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2/2/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Julia Kristeva, Translating Feelings or Writing and Singularity” Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, 11/15/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Manthia Diawara, Popular Music and Visual Art of Africa” New York University, New York, 3/4/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Manthia Diawara, Popular Music and Visual Art of Africa” New York University, New York, 3/4/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Rem Koolhaas, Rem Koolhaas” Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 4/24/98, 1998. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Rem Koolhaas, Rem Koolhaas” Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 4/24/98, 1998. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Rem Koolhaas, Rem Koolhaas” Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 4/24/98, 1998. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Rosalind Krauss, Twentieth Century Art: Modernism and the Problem of Meaning” Columbia University, New York, 4/23/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Rosalind Krauss, Twentieth Century Art: Modernism and the Problem of Meaning” Columbia University, New York, 4/23/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Bill Arning, Jay Gorney, Ralph Rugoff, Nancy Spector, Moderator: Robert Storr, What’s Happened in the 90’s?” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 12/9/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Bill Arning, Jay Gorney, Ralph Rugoff, Nancy Spector, Moderator: Robert Storr, What’s Happened in the 90’s?” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 12/9/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Bill Arning, Jay Gorney, Ralph Rugoff, Nancy Spector, Moderator: Robert Storr, What’s Happened in the 90’s?” The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 12/9/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Eric Hobsbawm, Carl Scharske, David Montgomery, Ira Katznelson, Moderator: Andre Schiffrin, The Cold War and the University” The New School of Social Research, New York, 11/13/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Eric Hobsbawm, Carl Scharske, David Montgomery, Ira Katznelson, Moderator: Andre Schiffrin, The Cold War and the University” The New School of Social Research, New York, 11/13/97, 1997. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection
RAINER GANAHL, S/L: “Umberto Eco, D’un texte aux theories du texte; lecture de Sylvie de Nerval” Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 4/2/96, 1996. Courtesy the artist and Dikeou Collection